; A Conversation With Helen & Luke - Hens with Pens
We think Luke & Helen spoke so eloquently in this conversation about what its like working as a Tutor & Model at Hens With Pens.
“My role at today's Hens With Pens event, was that of tutor whilst Luke modelled.
Whilst some might think a life drawing hen party is a frivolous activity on the same level as the somewhat clichéd strippergram, they would be mistaken.
At the core of every Hens With Pens party, is the discipline of genuine life drawing. 
True, there is more laughter and hilarity than, for example, at the traditional Adult Education class, but nonetheless we discuss structure, measuring, negative shapes, foreshortening. 
Often we'll discover that one of the hens studied A level art or went to Art School, and their prowess with charcoal comes flooding back. 
Regardless of skill level, everyone enjoys the experience and comes away having learnt a little bit more about how to draw the human figure.
As well as tutoring, I have also modelled at Hens With Pens events, so I know first hand that models are treated with respect, the same respect we are shown by all the artists we work with.
Artist's Model: an unconventional career choice”
Keen to check out Helen & Lukes Instagram socials: