Draw me like one of your french girls

Every one of our fabulous models has their own favourite pose to highlight their best features, but they will always go through a wide variety poses for your whole group to focus on different parts of the body. This helps us highlight the beauty of some of the most ‘boring’ parts of the human form. Meet just a few of our popular life drawing hen party models and tutors based throughout the UK. All of our tutors are experienced and qualified artists, bringing imaginative hen party ideas and games to your event. You don’t need any experience and there’s no need to worry about your drawing abilities. The idea is just to have fun! We work with a range of professionals and we are very LGBTQ friendly. Due to the number of classes we host on any given day, we cannot guarantee a particular model or tutor. We ask you to respect our models and tutors and we reserve the right to make last-minute changes. For more information on this creative hen party idea,  please enquire about your location and date!

As Jess . C . Scott famously said “the human body is a work of art”.

Why not request certain poses from your model? Here are a few recommendations!

There are SO many poses to choose from, why not ask your model to focus on one body part like the arms or hands for one pose? It’s often the smallest and most delicate parts of the body that are the most beautiful.

Life drawing isn’t a race or competition but it is a challenge we have plenty of tips for you!

  • Draw the basics first, details later
  • Remember you will get better with time and practice
  • Learn from mistakes
  • Practice often even just twenty minutes each day in front of the telly
  • Use a drawing from a previous session to work from and aim to improve it this time around.
  • Challenge yourself, give yourself less time or a harder focus point
  • Draw the hips and backbone first token your body in proportion.
  • Try using different materials
  • HAVE FUN!!