We had a lovely surprise this week when Hens with Pens model Marlon sent us some stunning photos he'd had taken to celebrate the results of his new fitness regime. Marlon has been delighting our hen party life drawing classes in Essex and London for several months now, so it's high time we gave him a proper introduction.
Even with a full-time office job, Marlon finds time to model at weekends while also maintaining the kind of intense fitness schedule that will put most of us to shame! Starting daily at 5am with a high-intensity cardio workout, Marlon also fits in 2 hours of weightlifting in the evenings. He also swears by a high fat, low carb diet, which sounds nice in some ways but it would mean waving goodbye to pasta!
Marlon's favourite things about modelling for Hens with Pens are the fun atmosphere, plus the balance between learning about art and having a little cheeky enjoyment. Admirers should look out for Marlon in 2016, as he'll be appearing in a grand total of 3 bodybuilding shows, and a strongman event.
Meet more hen party life drawing models from London, Yorkshire, Edinburgh and the whole of the UK here!