From Hogwarts to the Gladiators of old!

We often get asked if we can accommodate a theme for our life drawing events, it seems quite a few of you out there relish the opportunity for a bit of dressing up!! AND 'Why Not?' we say!!

The majority of our models and tutors are happy to accommodate where they can, we've had requests for everything from cowboys to roman centurions and we have risen to the occasion but the most requested by far are our friends from Hogwarts!

You might have noticed Lucius Malfoy seems to be lurking in our midsts and can be found at some of our Harry Potter themed parties! Lucius aka Richard is a lifeguard, watersports instructor, powerboat driver and whitewater rafting guide who only does jobs that allow him to walk around barefoot. When not travelling looking for the ultimate wave he can be found performing yoga-inspired poses at hen parties across the Midlands and occasionally Wales (good rivers!) and Yorkshire (good surf!) and occasionally gets offered casting roles as an elf.....

If you have a specific theme for your party then let us know and we'll speak with the attending team to see how they can help!
Mother Hen x