We all need a little inspiration sometimes... here is a collection of our favourite drawing quotes to help inspire you.
“Drawing is putting a line (a)round an idea.” Henri Matisse
"The important thing is to keep on drawing when you start to paint. Never graduate from drawing.” John Sloan
“I hate flowers. I paint them because they’re cheaper than models and they don’t move.” Georgia O’Keeffe
“I hate flowers. I paint them because they’re cheaper than models and they don’t move.” Georgia O’Keeffe
“I draw like other people bite their nails.” Pablo Picasso

"I sometimes think there is nothing so delightful as drawing." Vincent van Gogh
"I love the quality of pencil. It helps me to get to the core of a thing." Andrew Wyeth
"Drawing is the basis of art. A bad painter cannot draw. But one who draws well can always paint". Arshile Gorky