Model Matters: Q&A with a Life Model, Kam

Hens with pens got the goss with one of our fab life models. How long can our model pose in a handstand for?
Let's find out!!
How did you start life modelling?
I started life modelling in early 2016 having quit my office job the previous year. I knew I needed to make a change, and a big change! Getting out of the office was key and I knew I wanted to do something creative, something performative, but I didn't know what. One day I heard about an event at one of my favourite drinking spots (The Glory in east London), it was called 'Starkers Academy' and it's an evening where aspiring life models can have a go disrobing in front of a welcoming, appreciative audience. A light bulb went on in my head and I just went for it! I was absolutely hooked from then on.
Why do you enjoy it?
I love life modelling because I can be part of the creative process. I am inspiring and informing artists and their work and I really do believe an exchange is going on whilst I'm posing. I'm always blown away by the artworks, be it drawing or painting or sculpture. The same is true for celebratory events - it feels wonderful to marry creativity with fun and a good dose of body positivity.
Funniest experience?
Life models will tell you that there is no end of funny stories and amazing people you encounter on the life class circuit! A recent funny moment for me is when I was duo modelling with my friend and veteran life model Sophia who helped me do a handstand - for the first time in years! Unfortunately I could only hold that pose for 1 minute, but hey, a win's a win!
Kam (David) Wan
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