; Gossip - Hens with Pens
Hens with Pens - Cultured, Chic and a just a little bit Cheeky! Hens with Pens - Cultured, Chic and a just a little bit Cheeky!

Drawers Off! C4

Drawers Off! C4 New series featuring our fabulous Model + Tutor duo, Luke and Helen. Lets see what they go up to during this awesome experience...

Single Ladies! Here are our top 10 tracks for your Life drawing hen do

top tracks for you ladies

Looking for some drawing inspiration?

Montage for a Tuesday

wonderful art by wonderful hens

Let's see what our Cheeky Hens got up to Last Weekend...

5* Reviews and The Behind-The-Scenes Team

Another 5 star review for Hens with Pens! Andrew is not only a model and a tutor, he is also a key member of the behind-the-scenes team.

Your Sketches

Another week has been and gone, we thought we would revisit some of the cluckingly fabulous sketches you wonderful hen have created from your parties over the past few months.

The National Gallery Exhibition - Raphael

It’s just a collection of portraits. Not done for fame or riches, but for the sake of love, friendship and art.

Thurday's Montage

Here is a summery of last weekends shenanigans filled with laughter and bubbly.

Best Hen Do Destinations - Part 1

Maids of Honours, sit down and relax. Your job is about to get a whole lot easier. Here are a couple of then best hen do destinations right now...

May Day! Here's £10 off on us

new discount code MAYDAY10 £10 off (not 10%)